Rated Excellent by ACECQA
We are proud to share the exciting news that Discovery has been awarded the Excellent Rating by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). This is a significant achievement and acknowledges the exceptional standard of education and care we are providing and our commitment to improving outcomes for children and families.
Discovery Early Education & Care Centre is the first service to receive the Excellent Rating in New South Wales in 2022. We are one of 39 services to currently hold the Excellent Rating award across Australia, which can only be achieved if your Quality Rating is assessed as Exceeding National Quality Standards in all 7 Quality Areas.
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our educators, support staff, children, families, and our community for supporting us to achieve the highest rating under the National Quality Framework.
For more information about the Excellent Rating, please see this link: https://www.acecqa.gov.au/assessment/excellent-rating